Towel Ministry
What is Towel Ministry?
Towel Ministry is a distinguished ministry in the Diocese of Western North Carolina and a recognized Jubilee Site in The Episcopal Church. Towel Ministry provides housing improvements, repairs and maintenance for elderly, disabled, and marginalized people. Towel Ministry operates in week-long sessions. Typical work projects might include handicap access, roofing repair, painting, yard clean-up and other simple projects that can be managed by a small group. Towel Ministry is the embodiment of "walking the talk of the Church." It provides opportunities for young people to learn skills in building homes and relationships with each other, with families, and with Christ.
The History of Towel Ministry
Towel Ministry began as the brainchild of the late Deacon Cris Greer and the late Rev. Gene McDowell in the 80s. It evolved as a response to the need in our community for housing improvements, repairs, and maintenance. The first camp operated out of a volunteer fire department with a total of sixteen participants. Since that time, Towel Ministry has grown and spread. From its modest beginnings in the very western tip of the state, the ministry has spread across the Diocese of Western North Carolina and beyond. The name "Towel Ministry" is representative of Jesus using a towel to dry his disciples' feet after washing them.

Our Mission
The Mission of Towel Ministry is about spreading the Gospel through action by being the hands and feet of God in the communities that we serve. There are three equally important missional components to the week:
This relates to home improvement project at hand. The adults and the youth will either be actively working to complete a project or assisting with the management of the worksite.
Building relationships with the homeowners is as equally as important as completing the project. Being open and available for conversation and connection with the homeowner is a missional pillar of Towel Ministry. Helping a new friend push back loneliness and isolation, even for a little while, may be the best Good News that person has heard in a long time; the home improvements are welcome, but in very they are a bonus to building new relationships.
Spreading the Good News of the Gospel
At Towel Ministry we spread the Good News of the Gospel through our actions and our words. This is shown through the work we do on the project and the relationship built between us and the homeowners. We are not there to just “fix” a house but to show that we love and care about the homeowner and the community we serve.
How to get involved
Fill out this interest form to get involved with Towel Ministry.
Contact Charlotte with any questions.