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Parish Spotlight - Valle Crucis & The Valle General Store

Writer: Diocese of WNCDiocese of WNC

By: Margaret Love, Director, Valle Crucis Conference Center

Our Diocesan conference centers have been particularly hard-hit by the COVID-19 crisis. The Valle Crucis Conference Center has experienced a 100% loss of group revenue through the end of June, with the effects of the shut-down projected to last well into the fall. In response, Valle folks have gotten creative about alternative ways of raising funds and connecting with the community. Thus was born the Valle General Store, selling 'sundries and staples' to neighbors at reasonable prices.

What started as a simple way to plug the hole in the budget has grown into a community endeavor. As word spreads about the Valle General Store, small local producers are expressing interest in setting up tents in the large green space between buildings. Valle Crucis residents must drive up to half an hour to reach a grocery store, so the store is filling a need for the community to safely purchase needed goods. Valle staff are making sure to follow safe practices for social distancing and hygiene, with traffic flowing in one direction, limited numbers allowed in the store at a time, and hand sanitizing station at the door.

The store is located in Crab Orchard Hall, the small white building across the lawn from the Apple Barn. For now, hours are limited to Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 - 4 p.m. Valle Crucis Conference Center staff are selling basic cleaning supplies, toilet paper, rice, pasta, and other non-perishable staples as well as meats and fresh vegetables. The store even offers some prepared foods by food service manager Alex Fish.

To learn how you can support Valle Crucis Ministries and the Valle General Store, visit or contact Margaret Love at


The Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina


900B CentrePark Drive

Asheville, NC 28805


Monday-Thursday: 8:30AM - 4:30 PM

Friday: 8:30AM - 3:00PM




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