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Forming Disciples

Equipping people of all ages to know and love Jesus and live into their Baptismal Covenant is an essential ministry of the Church. The Episcopal Church understands that Christian formation and education is a holistic, life-long process. Through study, prayer, reflection, service, worship, fellowship, and exploration we come to know more about the living Christ and the hopes of God for our lives and the world. As one of the original partners, the Diocese of Western North Carolina is guided by the principles of the Charter for Lifelong Christian Formation. If you have questions about Christian Formation contact Eden Lewis, Director of Lifelong Christian Formation.

Below you will find important information and resources for Christian formation for people of all ages. You may also want to include working with a Spiritual Director to nurture your spiritual life and journey. Here is a list of individuals who are available in Western North Carolina.

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Engaging children and families to grow in their relationship with God and Jesus is a sacred ministry of the Christian community.

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​Our young people are a significant part of our vision in the diocese to “walk in the way, widen the walls, and wake up the world."

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​Connect with a college ministry on one of our four campuses. We welcome ALL!


Young Adults

​We invite young adults to join us as we live out our calling to the Jesus Movement of The Episcopal Church.  



​Here you will find additional information and resources for the spiritual and faith formation of adults.


Iona WNC

Iona WNC is a part of the larger Iona Collaborative, a consortium of dozens of Episcopal dioceses seeking to expand availability to a rigorous but accessible theological education.

The Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina


900B CentrePark Drive

Asheville, NC 28805


Monday-Thursday: 8:30AM - 4:30 PM

Friday: 8:30AM - 3:00PM




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©2023 by The Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina


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