Clergy Resources
In this section, you will find resources that are unique to the life and work of ordained leaders.
Bishop Visitation Forms and Information
Visitation Form (return before visit)
Confirmation Certificate (return after visit)
Canonical Residency – transferring in & transferring out
Rectors and Priests-in-Charge of churches should apply for canonical residency as soon as they arrive and begin working in the Diocese of Western North Carolina. Clergy who are moving to serve a new church in another diocese should submit the Request for Letters Dimissory to the Bishop’s office as soon as possible.
Clergy Leave-taking and Resigning
When a priest (rector, interim rector, assistant, or associate) or a deacon leaves a parish, whether to accept another cure or to retire, it is important to establish a healthy “goodbye” so that all parties can move faithfully into their next chapter of ministry. Please see the link below to guidelines that will equip clergy and the congregation in this process.
Clergy Licensing
To be licensed or to receive a renewal, please review the Requirements for Licensing below and complete the Annual Application and Report Form. Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training (both the child and adult workshops) must be current within 5 years. If you’re uncertain when you last took the training, please contact Augusta Anderson. We will not relicense clergy without current training. Click here for information on misconduct prevention training. Clergy who have previously received training are eligible to take online training. Contact Augusta Anderson for an online training guide and password.
Helpful information for Deacons in the Diocese.
Deans List
Contact our office to receive a current list of the Deans in our diocese.
Disciplinary Process
Clergy have, by their ordination vows, accepted additional responsibilities and accountabilities for doctrine, discipline, worship, and obedience. This process of accountability, as set out in Title IV of the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church ("Title IV"), seeks to promote justice, restitution, amendment of life, repentance, healing, forgiveness and reconciliation among all involved or affected by clergy misconduct. Should you have any questions or concerns, see the links below or contact the Canon to the Ordinary.
Directory of Clergy
The Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese of Western North Carolina value and celebrate their camaraderie and collegiality as partners in ministry. To continue to foster and nurture relationships and collaboration, clergy directories are provided. These directories are password protected to safeguard personal information. Please contact Augusta Anderson if you are a member of clergy who needs the password.
Funeral Planning Guide
This guide is intended for clergy as they make decisions for their own end of life plans. This guide will equip the Bishop to provide pastoral care to the clergy’s family following the priest or deacon’s death. Should you have any questions, please contact the Bishop’s office.
Here’s the link to the Funeral Planning Form >
Lay Licensing
Strong lay leadership is a vital, central and intentional hallmark of the Diocese of Western North Carolina. Lay people exercise a wide variety of ministries in the church and in the world. Some particular lay ministries require a license from the Bishop of Western North Carolina.
View Lay Licensing Information >
Marriage Forms
Christian marriage is an extraordinary gift of God, in which a couple are called to live in the saving grace of Christ, enriched, guided and sustained by the Holy Spirit, in communion with the community of the Church (Canon I.18-19).
The following forms are meant to be a pastoral support for those seeking Christian marriage.
Sabbatical Policy
The Diocese of Western North Carolina encourages priests to take sabbaticals for the renewal and refreshment of the priest and the benefit of the parish.
You may also want to include working with a Spiritual Director to nurture your spiritual life and journey. Here is a list of individuals who are available in Western North Carolina.
Supply Clergy
Clergy canonically resident or licensed in the Diocese of Western North Carolina are welcome to serve as supply clergy. If you are new to the diocese, and wish to supply, please contact the Canon to the Ordinary to schedule an appointment and complete the License to Serve Application and Report Form. (link to form provided above)