Weekly Checklist
for Church Leadership (Clergy, Wardens, Staff)
High School Youth Retreat - March 14-16 at Lake Logan
Wednesday March 12, 2025 - 10 a.m.
Clergy Zoom Check-in with Bishop José
Join Bishop José and other active clergy from around the diocese to discuss what's going on in our community. All active clergy should receive a Zoom link via email before the meeting. Please Email Jess or call the diocesan office if you did not get the link. Due to Fall Clergy Conference (Oct. 13–15) there will be no October check-in, as well as none for Nov. or Dec. due to diocesan convention and Advent.
March 14-16
High School Spring Youth Retreat
A weekend retreat for 8th grader and high school youth that focuses on faith and community. Youth will have the chance to get to know each other through small groups, games, free time, and other activities. These events are similar in style to the Camp Henry experience with lodging in the dorms, free time in Boojum, and a program in the Chapel/Celebration Hall.
April 1
2024 Diocesan Income Report Due
Check your email with a form to fill out 2024 Diocesan Income Report. Email Carol with questions.
Thursday, April 10, 2025 - 11 A.M.
Clergy Renewal of Vows
Our annual Clergy Renewal of Vows will be held at St. George's Episcopal Church, West Asheville. Please use this link to register for lunch.
Thursday, April 17, 2025 – 10 a.m.
Clergy Zoom Check-in with Bishop José
Join Bishop José and other active clergy from around the diocese to discuss what's going on in our community. All active clergy should receive a Zoom link via email before the meeting. Please Email Jess or call the diocesan office if you did not get the link. Due to Fall Clergy Conference (Oct. 13–15) there will be no October check-in, as well as none for Nov. or Dec. due to diocesan convention and Advent.
Thursday, April 17, 2025 – 10 a.m.
Clergy Zoom Check-in with Bishop José
Join Bishop José and other active clergy from around the diocese to discuss what's going on in our community. All active clergy should receive a Zoom link via email before the meeting. Please Email Jess or call the diocesan office if you did not get the link. Due to Fall Clergy Conference (Oct. 13–15) there will be no October check-in, as well as none for Nov. or Dec. due to diocesan convention and Advent.
Friday & Saturday, April 25-26
Building Beloved Community: Dismantling Racism Workshop
Clergy and lay leaders who need to fulfill the canonical requirements for anti-racism training are invited to attend the upcoming Dismantling Racism Workshop. Attendance for the full workshop is required to receive a certificate of completion. Participation is limited to 24 people, with a maximum of six attendees per church.
Friday Evening (Zoom): 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Saturday (In Person): 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at All Saints, Gastonia
Saturday May 3, 2025 - 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Congregational Vitality Day
We will learn some essential frameworks, resources and tools that have been implemented by many parishes to fit their particular context to cultivate spiritual vitality and purpose in mission and ministry. We will also workshop and discern small steps you can take back to your church.
Church clergy and lay leadership are strongly encouraged to bring a team of at least three people per parish so that they have time together to identify one or two ideas to bring back to their community.
Cost: $10/person to offset snacks and lunch. If youneeds scholarships, contact Canon Augusta
Saturday: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. at St. James, Hendersonville
Saturday, May 17th, 2025
5th Grade Day
Join us for 5th grade day at Trinity Episcopal Church.
Tuesday, May 20, 2025
Clergy One-on-Ones with Bishop José
Bishop José will be available for one-hour meetings by request with individual active clergy, either by Zoom or in person, about once a month. These meetings are intended to give clergy a solid time to meet with Bishop José to discuss pertinent issues. Email Jess or call the diocesan office to schedule a meeting time. There will be no October date due to Fall Clergy Conference.
June 17- 22 & June 24-29
Towel Ministry: A High School Mission Experience
Towel Ministry invites high school youth to participate in a local mission trip experience. We will be doing Helene Recovery work near Hendersonville and Saluda. More information to come by March.
Bishop José will be available for one-hour meetings by request with individual active clergy, either by Zoom or in person, about once a month. These meetings are intended to give clergy a solid time to meet with Bishop José to discuss pertinent issues. Email Jess or call the diocesan office to schedule a meeting time. There will be no October date due to Fall Clergy Conference.
Thursday, June 26, 2025 – 10 a.m.
Clergy Zoom Check-in with Bishop José
Bishop José will be available for one-hour meetings by request with individual active clergy, either by Zoom or in person, about once a month. These meetings are intended to give clergy a solid time to meet with Bishop José to discuss pertinent issues. Email Jess or call the diocesan office to schedule a meeting time.
Monday, August 11, 2025 – 1:30 p.m.
Clergy Zoom Check-in with Bishop José
Join Bishop José and other active clergy from around the diocese to discuss what's going on in our community. Please note the different day of the week and time for the August check-in. All active clergy should receive a Zoom link via email before the meeting. Please Email Jess or call the diocesan office if you did not get the link. Due to Fall Clergy Conference (Oct. 13–15) there will be no October check-in, as well as none for Nov. or Dec. due to diocesan convention and Advent.
Thursday, August 21, 2025
Clergy One-on-Ones with Bishop José
Bishop José will be available for one-hour meetings by request with individual active clergy, either by Zoom or in person, about once a month. These meetings are intended to give clergy a solid time to meet with Bishop José to discuss pertinent issues. Email Jess or call the diocesan office to schedule a meeting time. There will be no October date due to Fall Clergy Conference.
Thursday, September 18, 2025 – 10 a.m.
Clergy Zoom Check-in with Bishop José
Join Bishop José and other active clergy from around the diocese to discuss what's going on in our community. All active clergy should receive a Zoom link via email before the meeting. Please Email Jess or call the diocesan office if you did not get the link. Due to Fall Clergy Conference (Oct. 13–15) there will be no October check-in, as well as none for Nov. or Dec. due to diocesan convention and Advent.
Thursday, September 25, 2025
Clergy One-on-Ones with Bishop José
Bishop José will be available for one-hour meetings by request with individual activ clergy, either by Zoom or in person, about once a month. These meetings are intended to give clergy a solid time to meet with Bishop José to discuss pertinent issues. Email Jess or call the diocesan office to schedule a meeting time. There will be no October date due to Fall Clergy Conference.
Tuesday, November 11, 2025
Clergy One-on-Ones with Bishop José
Bishop José will be available for one-hour meetings by request with individual active clergy, either by Zoom or in person, about once a month. These meetings are intended to give clergy a solid time to meet with Bishop José to discuss pertinent issues. Email Jess or call the diocesan office to schedule a meeting time. There will be no October date due to Fall Clergy Conference.
October 13-15, 2025
Fall Clergy Conference
More information coming Summer 2025.
November 7-8, 2025
Diocesan Annual Convention
Location TBD
February 22-24, 2026
Lenten Clergy Retreat