Building Vital Congregations
Congregational Vitality Ministry is an extension of the Bishop’s commitment to equip and empower our congregations for vibrant mission and ministry. We do this by providing a variety of resources to church leaders so they can then initiate new programs, practices, or paradigms that lead the whole community to be Jesus’ people in the world.
One particular resource that can be immensely valuable is the Church Assessment Tool (CAT). This tool, administered by Holy Cow Consulting, is a time-tested survey instrument that allows congregations to identify key areas of parish life to celebrate or refine.
If your parish is interested in learning more about the congregational vitality resources and consultants, please contact Canon Augusta Anderson.
The Diocese of Western North Carolina offers annual Congregational Vitality grants to support churches in their redevelopment work. Congregational Vitality grants are for the purpose of congregational vitality, development and innovation, and not for maintenance. Funds for these grants come from the Diocesan budget.
Visit our Grants & Loans page for more information.
Click on one of the links below to learn more about each topic: